Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Extra-terrestrial life

I believe that, apart from Earth, there are planets where life exists in the universe. Such life may or may not be intelligent. It might only comprise simple organisms that display growth through metabolism, reproduction and the power of adaptation..like algae or bacteria.
The strongest argument for the existence of extra-terrestrial life is the sheer size and age of the universe. Probability favours extra-terrestrial life. One needs to bravely assume here that the essential characteristics required for life to begin and prosper are: 1) A star and a planet which is at a “healthy distance” from it, 2) the planet having a right mix of gases, along with water. With more than 70 sextillion stars, the chances of meeting these two criteria are quite high. And I might be a bit conservative here, as it is very well within the realm of possibility that life exists in extremely adverse conditions, such as a methane-dominated atmosphere.
But then there is the Fermi paradox: Where is intelligent life? Why haven't we seen/heard them? My answer to that is: Most life in the universe is not intelligent enough. We'll be lucky if we find a planet where evolution has even advanced beyond reptiles. Radio communication & space travel require very advanced stages of scientific development. Secondly, the timing of development of civilizations might be different. Perhaps earth was just inhabited by hydra when extra-terrestrial life contacted us. Or perhaps, the tales of Gods descending from the skies, which are abundantly scattered in almost every mythology of the world, hold a secret. Then, of course, there are the pyramids...in Egypt as well as Latin America, and their uncanny linkages to astronomy.
We might find life in the universe if science keeps on progressing, and if there is no catastrophic event before that. But what we discover might not be the stuff that Hollywood movies are made of.


shadow_sun said...

Hey..BTW one of the reasons for lack of communication from extra-terrestrial life could be that they were hesitant communicating with someone less intelligent than they are :) (like earthlings, perhaps!)....But on a serious note (comment is also including the next blog of your's), if just some micro waves could mke them leave their hideout then we would by now have had our communication lines jammed...Microwaves were discovered a long time back.....

Aditya Rallan said...

Yes that could be a reason, but then if they were much powerful than us, they would have tried earth domination. Unless they are "really intelligent" :)
Personally, I view the possibility of intelligent life exisiting in the universe as slim. But red plants and hydra like creatures..most probably yes.